Yoga In The Park

We suggest arriving 5-10 minutes early to secure your most preferred spot

What do I need to bring?

Please bring your own mat and water bottle to Yoga in the Park. A hat is optional but recommended.

What is the maximum group size for Yoga in the Park?

Yoga in the Park will be capped at 20 participants each session.

Will we be outdoors the entire time?

All classes will take place outdoors. We strongly encourage you to register in advance so we can promptly notify you of any schedule changes or cancellations. In the event of inclement weather (heavy rain, sustained winds above 35 km/h or gusts of 65 km/h and/or thunderstorms), Mindbody Wellness Centre will reschedule the yoga practice. We will notify participants by email no later than 8:00 AM on the day of class if we need to cancel due to inclement weather and reschedule for a future week.

Will we be using props?

We understand that we are all in unique bodies, and props can help us modify a yoga practice to fit our bodies, rather than the other way around (and we’re all about that)! If you have props that you would like to bring with you from home, you are more than welcome to bring them with you.

I normally practice indoors in my home or at a yoga studio – is an outdoor practice for me?

Yoga outdoors is such an amazing experience! If you've never tried it, we encourage you to do so. A few of the incredible benefits of practising yoga outside include feeling the Earth beneath your feet, breathing in the clean air, and hearing birds sing. Each session will close with a brief guided meditation to help us tune into the natural world around us, clear our minds, and start the day off right.