Counselling & Psychotherapy


The counselling and psychotherapy members of our team use psychological methods to help a person adjust behaviour, increase happiness, overcome problems and deal with stressful situations with more positive outcomes. Our goal is to help people with a variety of emotional challenges so they can function better and improve their well-being.

Registered Massage


All of the massage therapists at Mindbody Wellness Centre are Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs). We provide relaxation and rehabilitation massage therapy through the use of deep tissue and acupressure massage.



We practice natural, non-invasive self-healing using natural remedies to help the body. Our practice consists of therapies including acupuncture, massage and nutritional counselling.

Acupuncture & TCM


Mindbody Wellness Centre provides services in acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, to aid with the disruptions to the flow of energy in the individual’s body. Our skilled Acupuncturist uses stimulation points on and under the skin called acupressure points stimulate the flow of energy for overall wellness and to help the body recover from injury.



All physiotherapists at the Mindbody Wellness Centre are health care professionals who can assist in restoring, maintaining and building strength, function and movement for our clients well-being. Our physiotherapists are well-versed in how the body works with the knowledge to assess, diagnose and rehabilitate injuries ailments of the body.



Chiropody services include conservative treatments as they relate to the foot: diabetic foot care, corns, and calluses. It also encompasses biomechanical and gait analyses for custom made foot orthotics consideration. Custom foot orthoses are designed to help alleviate pain in the foot, knees and lower back. 

Stress Management


Stress management can help you remove stresses that are holding you back so you can aim to be happier, healthier, and more productive in life. Stress management gives you tools to help your mind and body adjust to various stressful situations the may arise.

Nutrition Consultation


At Mindbody Wellness we will assess your diet goals are and what objectives you would like to achieve. We will review your medical history and medications you may be currently on and review your lifestyle to get a sense of how to make a proper diagnosis and nutrition plan.

Weight Management


Our weight management process will help you gain long-term lifestyle modification skills to maintain a healthy body weight. We will work to achieve this based of your age, height and other factors. Weight management can be achieved through healthy diet modifications and increasing physical activity levels.



Our Osteopathy is a drug-free, non-invasive manual therapy that aims to improve health throughout the body. The Mindbody Wellness osteopathic physician will focus on the joints, muscles, and spine with the aim to improve health.

Integrative Mindset Coaching


Integrative Mindset Coaching can help people achieve their objectives and improve their lives by using Hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic programming. When it comes to assisting with the management of stress, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, undesirable habits, and burnout, our mindset coach offers an empathetic, calming, compassionate, and confidential approach.

She can assist with a variety of issues, including lack of confidence and poor self-esteem, irregular sleep patterns, anxiety over exams and public speaking, stage fright, and fear of flying. She deals with relationship issues, pain management, and anger control. She is able to work with clients to establish a plan to alter their way of life and improve their business in order to assist them in building an engaging future. Most clients are amazed by how swiftly and simply the changes occur.

Mindset coaching is like a shortcut to achieving your goals.