Privacy Policy

At Mindbody Wellness Centre, we place a high priority on maintaining your privacy and take extensive measures to safeguard your personal data. We want you to be aware that we are open and honest about how we gather data and that we will only do so with your explicit consent.

We strongly advise you to read and fully understand our Privacy Policy in its entirety. It describes how we gather and use your personal information, how committed we are to protecting it, and the security precautions we use.

Your permission is required to release any of your treatment details, and for us to obtain information from your previous/current healthcare providers. By familiarizing yourself with the details of our Privacy Policy, you can make informed decisions about sharing your information with us and feel confident that your privacy is being respected.

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us directly via email or phone.

Personal and Health History Information

We collect information about your health history, your physical condition and function, and other related details in order to help us assess what your needs are, to advise you of your options, and to provide safe and effective health care you choose to have. All information provided will be kept confidential unless by the request of the patient to distribute, or as required by law. All information is kept in secured and encrypted storage and in compliance with the Personal Health Information and Protection Act (Ontario, 2004) and The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada, 2015).

You certify that any information you provide to Mindbody Wellness Centre, including any personal information about another person or corporate information, is accurate and that you have the authority to do so or that you have gotten all required consents.

You can always decide not to provide information by declining to book as a client or by declining to use the specific service for which the information is being gathered.

Use of Your Personal Information

Authorised employees of Mindbody Wellness Centre use the data it has collected about its users internally for the following purposes: to handle payments, to customize our services for each client, to notify you as needed of any changes to your services, and to identify the features and services that users value and find most useful. On all our forms, we indicate to make it clear which fields are necessary and which ones are optional.

Personal information that we collect and disclose about you, and if applicable, your spouse and/or dependents, is used by the insurer and/or plan administrator and their service provider(s) for the purposes of assessing your claims, underwriting, investigating, auditing and administering the group benefits plan, including the investigation of fraud and/or plan abuse.

Credit Card Information

We encourage all our clients to provide their credit card information when booking for our services in order to process our billings conveniently. We ensure that your credit card and banking information will be secured and will only be used for the purposes stated under your consent.

Payment for Products of Services

All credit cards will be processed in Canadian dollars. Mindbody Wellness Centre is not liable for any fees, charges, currency rates, or other fees imposed by specific banking institutions or credit card businesses.

Social Media Acceptance

From time to time, your healthcare provider may request to post pictures or case studies pertaining to you on our social media platforms such as, but not limited to, Instagram, YouTube and/or Facebook and an educational tool. You have the right to decline any request of this nature if you are not comfortable having your personal information or identity released to the public. You may also terminate any past, present, and/or future social media content regarding yourself and any affiliates upon request at any time, acknowledging the potential difficulty of completely erasing distributed content once it’s been released.

Unless specifically requested not to by the patient for marketing reasons, all patient identifying information is removed as much as possible.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Mindbody Wellness Centre reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. The Privacy Policy in force at the time the information is utilised governs how we use the data we collect. If we make any significant changes to how we use your personal information or data, we will let you know by sending you an email at the email address you provided when you registered for the Services (if any), as well as by publishing a notice in a prominent place on our website and social media platforms. When users use the services following the initial posting of any modifications to the Privacy Policy, they are deemed to have accepted those changes.